IFA AGM & Conference

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Providence Farm

Registration and Coffee: 9:30am to 10:30am
Speaker: 10:30am Frank Leonard, Split Tax Assessment
Second Speaker: John Braybrook, UVIC Island Food Purchasing
Membership Fee: $35
Lunch:$20 per head for lunch.
Catering: Shawn O'Connell, Equinox Catering

RSVP by email or phone 250-247-9601.

AGM after lunch
Nominations for board:

Kathleen Erickson, Barb Grimmer, Dr. Jenny Horn, Bob Mitchell, Dr. Bill Code, Sandra Mark, Murray McNab, Craig Evans.

Contact Bob Mitchell if interested in running for board.

Food Safety Planning Workshops-Fall 2009

Thursday, November 26th-Victoria
Friday, November 27th-Nanaimo;Nelson (video conference)

Workshops begin: 8:30am and end at 4:30pm
Cost: $20 includes lunch and coffee breaks (includes GST)

Each company participating will receive a FREE VWR Traceable Waterproof Food Thermometer and a Record of Participation.

All food processors are welcome to attend the introductory food safety workshops to learn basic food safety for food manufacturing using food safety systems such as GMPs and HACCP. The sessions will include the latest information on employee hygiene and practices plus hands-on demonstrations including measuring and recording temperatures and testing sanitizer solutions strengths. These workshops are a valuable education tool (if a company has participated in a workshop before, this might be a good experience for other employees). What's more, they offer an opportunity to network and access information that can help enhance the bottom line in these challenging economic times.

Visit www.ssfpa.net/foodsafety for more information on the workshops and registration

Joel Salatin: Farmer Extraordinaire

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Eagles Hall, 2965 Jacob Road, Duncan BC
Registration: 8am-9am

Program: 9am - 3:30pm, Social afterwards; 3:30pm - 5pm
Contact: Kathy at 250-748-0487 or email